0.9.13 Patch Notes

While I like the idea of a faction that can’t kill (it is much more fun to be converted than murdered) the current brotherhood is not good enough in my opinion to be put in the game.

I do think that the final form of the brotherhood (as determined in balance by FoL) would be a great addition to the game.

But they have an Broken.

Also, I would like to mention a problem with the Marshall.

I was Marshall, the next day prince acted susp so we put him on trial, he claimed prince, and evil king decided his fate. I then had 2 uses abilities, with 3 uses each.

Granted, journal reading is very powerful.

I still think, however, that the Marshall’s 2 prince related abilities should be changed (to something less powerful) upon the prince’s death. Maybe listen to psychic conversation.

Then marshall would be too powerful.

Marshall is already god-tier lol

Brotherhood needs some minor changes, but none that it would screw over the game entirely. I thought the BH was very good in that SFoL game imo. (Quick grammar edit :stuck_out_tongue: )