1.0.14 Patch Notes

Depending on who is asked, isn’t the exact oposite true. At least to many social deduction, is figuring things out based on what people say and do, catching behavior changes when their objective changes etc… and it’s antithesis is process of elimination or abilities that tell you flat out etc…

Most players spend half the game in a private room not talking to anyone else, and the other half of the game in short bursts of communication with everyone. ToL is not designed to focus on what you are talking about. Using abilities and comparing notes is the deduction I am referring to.

I respectfully disagree as this game is a fast-paced Mafia clone. The game is the same, you deduce who is evil based on how they act, how they talk, and how they respond. The abilities are there to add some spice.

You should not have to rely on the abilities.

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I main gripe is not about the abilities, but about the false death information.

My philosophy with these things are that any piece of information you can receive should have the capability of either being flase or missleading.

Ex: Unseen check could be framed
Non-occ immune could be Mastermind
OCC Immune could be CW
Dead prince could be Possessor
That living person could be reaped
That king could be evil
The person visiting the guy that died last night could be sheriff and it’s a coincidence.

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Was never implying it wasn’t. I was saying that the term “social deduction” which you used in that context, to many people means litterally the oposite. Their are indeed many forms of deduction in this game. Logic, tracking abilities are all indeed forms of deduction, and yes very much core mechanics to the game. I was just pointing out that they are alternatives to “social” deduction, rather than a part of it.

at least in my view there’s basically 2 main distinct forms of deduction in the game.

Social deductions – IE reading the player
Did he vote for X, is anyone being too quiet, too loud.

Logical deductions - Well, 10 minutes ago bob claimed physician, and now our 2nd phys just died. Therefore bob isn’t a physician.

Then abilities are generally speaking hybirds there. Sometimes it is just luck… though usually competent players are using some social deductions to prioritize what order to use their abilities on whom.

ok fine I just meant deduction.

I think that it works as yet another possible defense for an occ immune that is claiming not occ immune.