4 max
is there a min?
This is going to make the Noble wayy more fun to play nice one, Bos
How exactly does that work? Is it like faint whispers?
Wait a sec. Can scorned still have the Priest as their target? If so then that needs to change.
Don’t get me wrong, guaranteed Priest is probably a good idea
Akin to Ret in ToS, a revive is really good
But also convert and night immune? That’s a new Prince.
Priest is too OP now. Please remove night immunity or conversion immunity. right now he is far too unkillable
I’m not sure which I’d prefer tbh
Night immunity can easily go, but then it’s weaker against Unseen than Cult
Conversion immunity can go instead, but then do evils get a revive or is the converted Priest forced to claim a non-Priest role? Because he’s confirmed to exist, he can’t really claim his own role unless he can revive.
The soulcatcher had the same problem though so that doesn’t change much.
You mean the priest is immune to cult conversions?
priest is immune to ALL conversions
Then what’s the point having Soulcatcher, hmm?
rip in peace
Not gonna lie, BD needs a crutch now that I think about it. They’re always so trigger happy in the beginning and will kill anybody off with no info. Maybe once there are more experience people than new, they could revise.
It would appear soulcatcher will no longer exist.
While I’ll point out I’m not so keen on the priest keeping night and convert immunity as a BD role. I do have to say the premise of being able to remove a role if it no longer works, is a good general thing to have. I am glad to hear the concept that if at some point a role became fundimentally unworkable, it won’t stick around for a year with a “we can never remove a role until we can replace it”. mentality, that can really ruin a game like this.
Depending on the class that might actually happen if its with a Cult class or Unseen class that is converted from a class that needs to be convertible to work (such as Illusionist turned from Psychic). Luckily class changes happen quickly with this game unlike a certen other game.
Well, if I have my facts right, priest is death immune only once, right?
Maybe he should be convert immune only once as well? Would that help?
Though I don’t know if full convert immune is such a problem. We’ll find out soon, I suppose.
I find convert immunity a bit scary, we do factor in that now every game will have 4 unconvertables. The king, the prince, the priest and the revived.
Prince and Priest are literally the only unconvertable BD classes in this game now.
And potentially anyone who’s resurrected but most likely it’ll be Prince who’s resurrected.