1.1.7 Patch Notes

I also liked to scumread election votes. But how to get rid of royal blood confirmability while keeping election votes public? The only way I can think of would be to have no classes start with royal blood, and instead let king give it to people.

I do not like Swear Fealty, which is very unfun to play against as Unseen, nor Allies, which is just a crutch for Kings who aren’t good at scumreading

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We could have it so the King that gets elected can see it

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But while I don’t care one way or another for SF I do think that Allies on scum king is a good idea. If you can scumread someone that well in turbo then chances are you aren’t the only one so they’d get lynched. Allies let’s you find them first without relying on whisper meta


I think that makes elected Kings too swingy in an awkward way

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If you can scumread someone that well in turbo then chances are you aren’t the only one

Generally King has the most information which is why it’s easier for him to scumread; that’s why I call Allies a crutch.

One of our goals is to eliminate whisper meta. Thus we should be balencing to ensure that happens.

And even with whisper meta it’s still very VERY hard to find any scum as King without anyone else also finding them. You might be able to get a feel for who is probably scummy but not to the degree required to start communication with them.

How often do you find yourself as evil king knowing for sure that someone is Unseen/Cult (and not NK/Neut) and everyone else simultaneously not knowing that? The answer is at most once and probably never.

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This theoretically allows everyone to force the king to out the election vote. If it doesn’t lead to the same king being elected, they know the king is lying and will execute him.

One of our goals is to eliminate whisper meta.

Certainly not one of my goals…

And even with whisper meta it’s still very VERY hard to find any scum as King without anyone else also finding them.

It’s challenging but I don’t think so hard that it justifies giving Evil King an investigative ability.

How often do you find yourself as evil king knowing for sure that someone is Unseen/Cult (and not NK/Neut) and everyone else simultaneously not knowing that?

I’ve found Unseen many times as both Good and Evil King without anyone else knowing about it. Like if you get Princess to whisper you her logs and she has a Physician as “killer/offensive,” you’ve probably found your Mastermind.

Is it possible for poss to force vote before 75 seconds?

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No,poss can’t use force vote before 75 seconds.

In this scenario 1 poss, 2 bds . Shouldn’t poss win by force vote bd dies?
2 bds just need to click the poss 1 time while poss has to click 4 times to force vote it.
Force vote for poss is hard

3 times. Once force is used you can take as long as you want to vote

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