1.2.0 Patch Notes

His old identity was flawed, I say bring on the changes


Well at that point itā€™s personal preference.

Actually JOAT quite fit with Alchemist. But honestly currently I would probably reconsider to change his objective.

I had no issue with her being a JOAT

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The best way to play alchemist is this

N1 truth, find prince
N2 emerald potion prince gg


Better yet.

N1: Emerald potion prince gg


Why not just emerald potion him first turn and claim you truthed him?

When they exhume and discover youā€™re the killer say ā€œTHEY COULDNā€™T HANDLE THE TRUTHā€

^not my meme, got it from the Discord

My question with alch now is what does truth potion show after a duchess uses dark whisp or a rituralist uses brotherhood



This suggestion was for FoL not ToL, my bad.

Given that MM appears to be sheriff when checked whilst in the shadows is active. It makes sense for CL to be seen as paladin whilst brotherhooded, Knight is shown for Assassin, and Duchess would appear to be princess

Did anyone else notice that Stalk uses the same icon (and does the same thing) as Window Peek?

Factionist BD propaganda shuns the Scorned for doing the same thing their Observer does :^)