1 more Hunter trap/bear


The Hunter is a fun class is really fun until you run out of bear traps. My feedback is: give the Hunter 1 more bear trap and remove 1 charge of the Wolf Attack.

I feel this would help encourage Hunters to be more vocal with assisting the Investigative roles.

(edit: It’s not very often you use both wolves in a single game, taking one charge from the wolves and adding it to the bears could help stave off boredom and random yolo wolves.)


I’m not against more trap/bears but 2 wolves is fine to me

Veteran plus two-shot wolf is kinda op man

2 and 2 is fine imo

Hunter is weaker than that tho. It only kills killers, not all visitors

I could’ve sworn it was all visitors

I was literally just Hunter earlier today too


Edit: Nope, you’re right, just attackers.

New suggestion: Bear kills all visitors.

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They literally just changed traps to only harm attackers and I like that much better than the old way. Now instead of a mindless trap Hunters have a trained animal.

At the very least it should be “all debilitating effects” imo

they said they would monitor it to look at killing converters .

After the patch, find your local CW to help you out.

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With what? He doesn’t have any magic barriers any more.

He has recharge

Oh ya that is true.