10000th Poster gets a cake












Welcome back Sweetheart (Underfell Sans x OC x Yandere!Makoto)

Hope. Despair. Love. Hate. How ever you see this story, one side will win and Despair will rise once more. Warning: it might get bloody later on. (I don’t own Underfell, Yugioh GX or Danganronpa)

  • shit.

I just realised that I’m Komaeda.

because I gave up on life.

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(Sakura&apos;s POV)</p>
<p data-p-id=“9238f7ff7ac1be1cc0684a8c0dbfe9d7”>&apos;Oh crap!&apos; I run through the forest with the mysterious legend curse on it: whoever falls down the mountain, never comes back. As you may know or not know, I am an AU traveler with Ink and Error, Ink Who is my sworn enemy now still travels with me to AUs and save them from their utter destruction and Error. Now Error, he&apos;s different, he&apos;s the one who destroys what he call &quot;Glitches&quot; and gets rid of them one by one. As for me, well that&apos;s a whole other story. </p>
<p data-p-id=“e18fed0888441a48f36ff71cb83381fb”>I tripped on a vine while I was being chased down by my bullies. I swear to Asgore, they&apos;re the ones who should had their soul taken away. The fall wasn&apos;t too long and before I knew I landed on a pile of yellow buttercups. Though the flowers did break my fall, I have a huge headache and no one is here to help me. My eye sight is blurry and I can barely move until I saw a red scarf and it nuzzled my nose. By then I was blacked out due to the fall. </p>
<p data-p-id=“415f42a82de19620a3c9fd1abced43d1”>(Time skip) </p>
<p data-p-id=“3fcceb0e2eac43189ebc218251a22247”>Later, I saw myself in a house with everything that Sans had in his house except everything was red, black, and gold. I heard talking coming from one of the rooms upstairs so I got up and started walking until the door swang open, &quot;Oh Human, you&apos;re awake I see. My brother has told me you&apos;d come back.&quot; Papyrus said in calm tone, I gave him a small smile and then turned my attention on Fell (or Edge), &quot;I&apos;ll be in the kitchen if you need me Human.&quot; I sighed and gave him a fake smile then he walked downstairs. &quot;So Fell, What makes you think I&apos;ll come back?&quot; I asked, Fell suddenly turned to direction, he told me that Ink told, well convinced me to come to Underfell because of a serious issue that&apos;s been going on. The threat calls himself Sartoius and he claims to be the ultimate duelist. And since I showed everyone How to duel in this here AU, everyone should know how to defend themselves. &quot;Fell, we can&apos;t fight by ourselves. We need help.&quot; Fell looked at me blankly and sighed, &quot; Sweetheart, we don&apos;t need help, you showed us this remember?&quot; &quot;But you never met Sartoius before Fell!? Before you know it, he&apos;ll defeat you and make you do his evil bidding. What would happen if your brother walked through that door right now and faced him in a duel?&quot; I spatted out, realizing my mistake, I apologized to Fell, &quot;Sorry Fell, I&apos;m just worried.&quot; Fell hugged me and kissed my head, &quot; It&apos;s ok Sweetheart, mistakes happen.&quot; I smiled and got to changed cause it&apos;s was 10:45 pm at night and it was cold to go anywhere right now. </p>
<p data-p-id=“4fd642656af3fd8c05851c4196195993”>(Fell&apos;s POV) </p>
<p data-p-id=“3b8fb0ae56c2254c92b16a63204bee58”>Sartoius huh. He shouldn&apos;t be that hard to defeat. I&apos;ve been training my whole life for opponents like him. Since Sweetheart trained me and my crappy brother, we should be ready for anything, including him. I went to into the bathroom to go shower and change into PJs. After a while, we went downstairs to eat BUT I decided we should go eat Grillbys. Papyrus protested but I insisted we go try it out. We arrived at Grillbys and since Papyrus didn&apos;t come with us (Fell:cough crappy Brother cough Me:Fell!) It&apos;s just me and Sweetheart at Grillbys, &quot;Hello Sans the usual?&quot; I nodded and turned to Sakura, &quot;Hey Sweetheart, you want anything?&quot; &quot;Nah, I&apos;m fine .&quot; She said and smiled. I chuckled and ate my food. &quot;So about Sartoius. Why is he called &quot;the ultimate duelist&quot;?&quot; I asked. Her right eye was glowing yellow and her aura suddenly got dark, her voice turned into a whisper, &quot;let&apos;s not talk here Sans. Come.&quot; I finished my food and went outside with her and decide to take a walk with her, &quot;Sweetheart talk, Who is Sartoius?&quot; She sighed and her right eye glowing yellow. </p>
<p data-p-id=“bc22044a73c6ebed03d7d875c16ab856”>&quot;Sartoius is a childhood friend who I used to go to school with. We went to Hope Peak Academy, where he was called the ultimate duelist and I was called the ultimate Dj. We would hang out with each other and figure out deaths together. When we graduated, we went our separate ways, I would came to visit and he&apos;d read me my fortune. Until he went crazy and keep telling me to join his &quot;society of light.&quot; And he wouldn&apos;t stop since.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“7a5163eb5040bb5c9abfea5f804727e9”>&quot;And this is before you got your powers?&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“30d9bd6f95481e9d75b1f316491aba67”>&quot;Yes. After that, I never saw him until now.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“c2f3b55bfd220b818aef0c172d47c2ad”>I hugged her and told her that everything is going to be alright. We got home and she sat on the couch, &quot;Hey sweetheart, you can sleep with me if you want. You don&apos;t have to-.&quot; &quot;I&apos;m good Fell. Thank you.&quot; I smiled and went upstairs. Man sometimes she&apos;s is too damn Cute for her own good. </p>
<p data-p-id=“c08b57d4fc9b9c4ff9fd9b779cc0e671”>~~~~~~~<br><b>Another fanfic, yay! I put in Yugioh GX, Undertale, and Danganronpa all in one fanfic. Aw man this is going to be good. Alright see you later my ultimates.</b></p></pre>


Hope’s Peak Academy

(Sakura’s POV)

Hope’s Peak Academy… where the students of the school gets betrayed and gets killed. Trust me when you hear this, if you receive the letter saying that you applied, do not go. Cause if you do, it’s only a matter of time before you get killed, luckily I survived and so did others as well. My story beings when I, Sakura Yamasaki, was accepted into Hope’s Peak Academy along with a few others. Makoto Naegi, known as the Ultimate Lucky Student was one of my many friends at that school, he was the only one who understands me and always protects me and his sister, Komaru Naegi. Another person was Nagito Komaeda, known as Super High-School Level Good Luck, now his luck was different from Makoto’s, while he has good luck, he has bad luck and it constantly folllows him around. He would ramble stuff about Hope and Despair and all that. I was always around him, making sure he was ok. As for me, I was the Ultimate Dj. My talent wasn’t special, it was only used for parties and such. I survived many class trails with others. Bayakua Togami, the Ultimate Progeny, has feelings towards me but I like as friends not lovers. Toko Fukawa is the Ultimate Writting Prodigy, follows Bayakua around like a pervert dog! Of course we both hate her and her other personality, Genocide Jack.

(Flashback:Class Trail of Celestia Ludenberg)

We were in the middle of a class trail of the murder of Chihiro Fujisaki. Celeste was acting very suspicious for the murder. Me and Makoto running the facts over and over. “Makoto we went over this. Are you sure it’s Celeste?” Makoto nodded and turned to her, “Are you sure Celeste, that Celestia Ludenberg is your real name?”

“I told you my name you idiot! My name is Celestia Ludenberg! I don’t need to say again!”



“Your real name is Taeko Yusuhiro! And you’re the murder!”

“No! This can’t be! My life can’t end like this?!”

“I’m sorry Celeste, or should I say Taeko.”

“Shut up Sakura!!”

Her execution was intense and she got burned to death. Some of us cried from the despair and heartache and others didn’t care at all. I didn’t care really, she was really crappy. We went back to our rooms and thought about today’s class trail. A knock came through my door, “come in.” I called, the door opened and Makoto and Komaru came in. “Oh, it’s just you guys. How are ya?”

“You ok? You seem…”


“You guys, I’m fine. Stop worrying about me.”

whispers Well bro tell her. You know you want to~.”

“I can’t do it Komaru.”

“You guys ok?”

“Yeah we’re fine, right Makoto.”


Makoto hugged me and so did Komaru. We were like a happy family, just the three of us. “Hey Komaru, can you leave us alone for a sec?” Komaru smirked at her brother, giving me a cold shoulder, “Ok Makoto~.” And she left, leaving me here with Makoto. “So… Makoto… Is there something you want to tell me?” I asked. He blushing a dark red and looked at his hands, fiddling with them.

“Actually, there’s something I been meaning to tell you.”

“Oh Makoto, I’m sorry. What is it.”

“I-I like y-you. I wasn’t sure if you feel the same.”

“M-Makoto! I-I don’t know what to say. This is so sudden.”

“It’s not that sudden Sakura. Or do you prefer Saku”

“I go by many names Makoto-kun, But you can call me whatever you want.”

“Haha! Thank you! I knew you’d feel the same!”

“Hey guys what did I miss~?”


Komaru giggled at her brother’s remark. I was laughing too, seeing how we both reacted, another murder was taken place.

But that’s another tale I hate to spoil for everyone. My life ended as me, Makoto and few others escaped Hope’s Peak Academy, leaving Junko Enoshima dead. The outside world was much worse than the school so it was easy to get discouraged, but we stood by each other and helped one another get through the despair. And then we went our separate ways, never again to see each other again… until now. Sartoius was named the Ultimate Duelist. He was very skillful with his strategies and always think of a way to turn the table around. He was a good duelist and a good friend until he created the society of light. It takes everyone and everything to stop him and I am determined to win him over back to the good side once more.

If you like the anime or games, let me know so I can write more Danganronpa stuff. I gotta go now, stay safe and don’t get killed by Monokuma~.


sorry no more shitposting from me.

I’m getting off

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I’ll just finish this fanfic as well


Don’t worry, Makoto is here!

(Makoto&apos;s POV) </p>
<p data-p-id=“e8457ee1950d354007dcf6eb657f9212”>It&apos;s been so long since I seen Sakura or anyone for that matter. I was working at part-time job at a caf&#xE9; with Komaru and Nagito. Boy it was a long day at the caf&#xE9; and we were super tired so me and Komaru dropped Nagito off at his house, &quot;Thanks for dropping me off Naegi.&quot; I patted his back and smiled at him, &quot;You know we&apos;re not in that hell with Junko anymore right?&quot; &quot;Ah Yes. Sorry Makoto.&quot; I sighed and forgave him, &quot;It&apos;s ok Nagito. Come on Komaru.&quot; &quot;Comin&apos; bro!&quot; We went to our car and drove home to settle down a bit. I tried calling Sakura&apos;s cell phone again but it wouldn&apos;t work (me:Why! Makoto: :p) I sighed as I went inside and saw a skeleton with a huge paintbrush and clothing, &quot;Who the hell are you?!&quot; I shouted, he turned around and ran to me and Komaru, &quot;oh There you are! Ah where are my manners, my name is ink sans or Ink for short. Now I need to take you somewhere that you&apos;re not quite familiar with.&quot; I stared at him for a while and walked towards him, &quot;if it&apos;s somewhere where Asuka is then take me.&quot; He smiled and grabbed my shoulder, &quot;Alright!&quot; &quot;Komaru, stay here don&apos;t go anywhere. If you&apos;re in danger, you know where the hacking gun is.&quot; &quot;Right!&quot; Me and Ink teleported to somewhere snowy, underground? &quot;Well, we&apos;re here.&quot; I raised my eyebrow and looked at him, &quot;Where is exactly &quot;here&quot;?&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“136738f27f2d8a42f845d2ea04246f71”>&quot;Oh right, how silly of me! We are in an AU or alternate universe. You know the game Undertale?&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“c65eee7aa6d53d3bc479b2ba7b03b331”>&quot;Sure, everyone plays it, even me.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“a096dd358d3aa7b0d47b6ae13cad6495”>&quot;Ok good, cause we&apos;re in Underfell, a AU version of Undertale. The Sans here is a bit different, same goes for everyone here.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“2f5949bbb7f54b653063ca49cb3ac48a”>&quot;Oh ok. So where are we?&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“460da09202840935620a77295aa2c5f3”>&quot;Ah, we&apos;re in Snowdin. And we&apos;re just outside Sans&apos;s house.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“d6264260d9092202cd30cff8f2490c3a”>&quot;Oh.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“2dd8565f23221954841da2719ee2d508”>Ink Knocked on the door and out came a skeleton with a golden tooth and black and red clothing, &quot;Yo Ink, What&apos;s up?&quot; Ink sighed and gave him a stern look, &quot;Didn&apos;t YOU ask me to get Makoto Naegi from the human world. Geez Fell.&quot; Fell snapped his bonely fingers and offered us to come in. </p>
<p data-p-id=“a7fd53e002f877407d0f511977686296”>We came inside and sat on the couch. Man, this house is really messy. Fell was half way up the stairs, &quot;Wait here, I need to get someone. Be right back.&quot; And he ran upstairs to his room I guess and closed the door. We waited for 1 hour and he came with… Sakura?! </p>
<p data-p-id=“4878c12f9c14b638df5b2fa5f8530605”>(Sakura&apos;s POV) </p>
<p data-p-id=“884cb5d450b3ae50e28cf1a5e09f9c79”>&quot;Makoto! Oh, glad you&apos;re here!&quot; I ran up to him, &quot;I&apos;m so happy you&apos;re ok! How&apos;s Komaru? What about Nagito? How is Everyone?!&quot; Makoto shook me a little, telling me to calm down, &quot;Sakura, I&apos;m fine, Komaru&apos;s fine, and Nagito&apos;s fine. Everyone is fine.&quot; I calmed down and sat with him. &quot;But how come you disappeared after your class trail? Everyone says you&apos;re dead.&quot; Fell heard and sat with us, &quot;What do you mean &quot;class trail&quot;?&quot; I avoided Fell&apos;s gaze but failed and sighed, &quot;Ok I&apos;ll tell you the story, but you have-!&quot; I was cut off by Papyrus Who was really injured, &quot;whoa whoa boss what happened?&quot; Fell asked. We couldn&apos;t get word out of him until he said Sartoius. </p>
<p data-p-id=“4bb426d91cf2e044b97bc5948cb89bbd”>&quot;Wait Sartoius attacked you!? But you could told me or Undyne!?&quot; He said. &quot;I was on my way to Undyne&apos;s house when suddenly I saw her fighting Sartoius. I came over there to help but she keeps saying &quot;join the society of light&quot; and I ran back here as soon as I can.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“7f8550db4cb81d4ee526e76a410f0b50”>Me and Makoto was shocked from what we just heard, &quot;Wait Sartoius is back!? But how!?&quot; Makoto yelled. &quot;I was about tell you when Papyrus intrupted me. God damn it Sartoius!&quot; I yelled. I carried Papyrus to his room and closed the door. </p>
<p data-p-id=“0fb2315de4e72863cb33161354f3836f”>&quot;Now where were we? Ah yes, the class trail.&quot; I said as I sat down in the sofa. Fell and Makoto sat down in the sofa once more. </p>
<p data-p-id=“0f68c150c3004edbe59f3bc561b8fcb9”>&quot;My story began when I tried to kill Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Progeny. I planned everything out the night before hand to make sure everything had gone plan. I had to bring another student just for everyone to come and investigate.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“27dc6e6a5194b6d3d1c8fa1600fc5b0b”>&quot;Who did you chose?&quot;</p>
<p data-p-id=“9b895ab004186b501d6e9b954fbf41f2”>&quot;I choose you Makoto. Remember?&quot;</p>
<p data-p-id=“b85a165a17e1b27cdb914077c5ea28fc”>&quot;Ah right. Go on.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“edc5208b2b680215a6ca527c8bc2f9c7”>&quot;Right, so I told him to come five minutes before seven am. I figured if everyone saw the death of Makoto Naegi, glitches <i><b>they&apos;ll have into the despair they deserve</b></i>.&quot;</p>
<p data-p-id=“ae332431b1b2a08f69ea91e1f140d82f”>&quot;uhh. Sweetheart?&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“5f0290de9d827864c2a87a22774a204f”>&quot;Oh, don&apos;t worry, it happens.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“51b3b06c535fb5b82edbafccaf59fd80”>&quot;Ah I see.&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“16ed0c5859d6fef03bba64be25cbc1f7”>&quot;At my classtrail, I kill…&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“5c64ad675b9ee4f9c03e0f33cfc039e2”>I stopped mid way of my sentence just to look at my phone and go to sleep, leaving Fell clueless. </p>
<p data-p-id=“f841d6ae33354cceb5bc507b20343033”>I kept flipping back and forth on my bed just thinking about what was I going to say to Fell, Seeing he&apos;ll would hurt me or something like that, gah! Stop thinking like that Saku! He would never hurt you. I said to myself. A little after, I keep having these little scenes in my head of Fell killing me a thousands of times. </p>
<p data-p-id=“9de2b0127d3c62001ff6f034ab549a6c”>(Time skip)</p>
<p data-p-id=“df5c97f4c55590149c4096487333aff7”>It was an early morning in the underground as Papyrus cooks breakfast. Me and Fell ate because we haven&apos;t ate anything last night god damnit. We sat there quietly and didn&apos;t say a single word during breakfast, it was really hard to not say anything after what happened last night… come to think about it… I haven&apos;t seen anyone around lately. When I got home, everything was destroyed and ripped, it&apos;s like an invasion roamed through here. What is going on here?<br><br></p>
<p data-p-id=“aa627c5ce03c048d5a9442c663f28456”>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br><b>Hey Guys! I&apos;m sorry I wasn&apos;t active for a while… hehe… oops. But, I&apos;m here now and I&apos;m not dead! That what matters! I&apos;m gonna publish this and you guys can tell me what you think! I know my writing sucks but deal with it ok? See ya!


The Society of Despair

(Fell’s POV)







Ugh… Where am I…? Last thing I remember was going to Sweetheart’s room to see if she’s okay… but how did I end here? I looked around my surroundings and it seems I’m in a dungeon… by myself… alone… Then I heard footsteps coming towards my cell, “Oh good you’re awake. Not a surprise really… Cause you’re a lazy rehab that won’t wake when I call you!” My eyes(sockets) widen and got really angry, “Ok! I know I’ve been a pain in the a$$ (Sorry, I do not swear) But I care you know! And what happened to your clothes?!” Papyrus smirked widely, “Oh, this! This is the outfit I get when I join the SOCIETY OF DESPAIR!!” Society of Despair?! I thought it was called the society of light! Oh I’m just hope that Sweetheart is ok…






Knowing that the love of your life is gonna be ok… it fills you with hope and determination










(Sakura’s POV)

(So TOBY honest, I got captured by Makoto who killed Sartoius and took head lead of the society of light and called it the SOCIETY OF DESPAIR. Well yeah, enjoy this wonderful and crappy Chapter.)







“Ugh… Where am I…?” I looked around and saw a Monokuma chest piece on the wall. I stood up, I had a major headache, but I was still alive… R I G H T? Footsteps approached as I tried to find a place to hide but it was too late the person came in the room and that person was… Makoto!? He was staring at me insanely and holding up a white dress up to half my knees and a cape almost touching the floor. I was welling up with angry, “What’s the deal Makoto!? I thought you were my friend, n-not this!” He started to laugh insanely and came closer, “Do you really think I was gonna let you hang around with those…” he stuttered a bit then spoke, “Those Skeletons!” My eye glowed a deep blood red and my angry rose to its maximum, “I hang around with them because I’m friends with them, not that they force me to!” My eyes started to well up tears, tears of despair and anger. Another figure came up behind Makoto, my eyes widen to see Papyrus like this, “P-Papyrus… What happened to you. I-I thought…” Papyrus hugged me like if nothing happened, “It’s ok Sakura, you’re ok now.” I pushed him away and started crying, “W-What happened to you Papyrus!? You never call me by my real name before!? So why now!?” Papyrus came closer and spoke softly, “For your own safety human, join us and you’ll be free.” He snapped his fingers and a guard came with Fell, Papyrus’s own brother. My soul was mentally breaking into pieces as they walked off outside and the pain and despair weighed on me like burden. I started to stand up and Makoto right down in the eyes, “What would Komaru say about all this…” he stared at me, shocked, “What!?” My soul started to feel better and I started to think, ‘Keep doing it! It might break the brainwashing!’ I smirked, “You heard me, What would she say if she was here RIGHT now at this moment?” Papyrus persuades him not to listen to me but, Oh, I didn’t stop, “Come on Makoto, she would flip if she’d see you like this.” I hold out my hand in peace, “Come back with me… Come back home with me!” But nothing worked, Papyrus Knocked me out cold.

When I finally came to my senses, I was in the outfit from earlier, it fit surprisingly well! But the only problem was I was not in mind-control and that really was a problem to everyone in the society. I looked around and I’m still in the throne room and I saw a body next to the throne, “F-Fell! Wait… H-How are you alive!?” I got up and shook him a bit, “Wake up! Wake up!!” I yelled and cried, but nothing worked, he was out cold. I checked his pulse and he was still breathing. I heard footsteps coming towards the throne room but I couldn’t leave Fell like this, “I can’t leave you here. I’m gonna find the source of this despair game.” I snapped my fingers and teleported out of the room.











“Wish me luck.”

(Makoto’s P.O.V)

“Damn it!” I yelled as I paced back and forth in my room. I heard a knock, “Come in.” It was Papyrus, formerly Sakura’s friend, “What is it?” He sighed deeply and told me look at the security footage, “Hmm… I see. Gather up the Guards. Make sure your brother is back in his cell.” Papyrus nodded and ran off out of the room. I laughed insanely, “HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU WILL BE MINE DARLING!!! YOU WILL BE, EVEN IF IT MEANS KILLING EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT COMES IN THE WAY OF OUR LOVE!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!”

Long Chapter, long day. Whew, I’ve been lucky to even finish this ever. Hope you all enjoyed this wonderful and crappy Chapter!! Bye-bye!!

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~Finding the Source~

(Sakura&apos;s POV)</p>
<p data-p-id=“971c3d895bf6d295004b7f454924980d”>While avoiding the Monokuma guards as much as possible, I checked all the rooms I could possibly have access to, but no mastermind device. Is it possible that there&apos;s no mastermind device and Makoto just planted false memories into everyone&apos;s head? No, it could&apos;ve been. I kept running through the hallways and I found myself face to face with a door similar to the one in Hope&apos;s Peak. I kicked the door open and went in. &quot;It&apos;s so quite,&quot; I said to myself, &quot;Makoto&apos;s not a fool but he is an idiot.&quot; I looked around and saw Papyrus&apos; scarf, &quot;W-What… What is this?!&quot; I looked around some more and I saw a dungeon so I went in and saw the REAL Papyrus in a prison cell, &quot;Paps? Papyrus, speak to me! Please…&quot; I started at him for a while now and it seems he won&apos;t wake up, &quot;Why!? It can&apos;t get any worse than this can it?&quot; Suddenly I heard loud footsteps, &quot;Ah, but it can Princess. What you&apos;re looking at is a fake. I&apos;m the real Papyrus.&quot; I stood there speechless, &quot;Then who&apos;s in there?!&quot; He chuckled, &quot;Swapfell Papyrus. He was a useful pawn. It&apos;s not like his bother&apos;s not gonna miss.&quot; I walked up to him, &quot;What do you want me to do?&quot; He looked at curiously, &quot;Hmm, what do you mean by that?&quot; I sighed, &quot;I know Makoto wants me for something. So spill it.&quot; I kicked Papyrus on the ground, &quot;Talk. Is he trying to plunge the world into despair?&quot;</p>
<p data-p-id=“4c96af02d603ce87650c37add626761b”>&quot;…&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“27e6624067f4bcf8bebcce284e37618c”>&quot;ANSWER ME PAPYRUS!!&quot; </p>
<p data-p-id=“64c3e447df16a267a01ee68bc2e97bd2”>He said nothing. &quot;Pathetic, Fine. I&apos;ll find him myself but you&apos;ll get in the way.&quot; So I ran off without saying another word. </p>
<p data-p-id=“431a36d1195a56f3062df71b0e4eb8f7”>These empty hallways made me feel uneasy but I kept going just for the sake of my mission. I went back to the mastermind&apos;s room to see if I missed anything but I still felt uneasy, what if Makoto was watching me? I sat down on a chair behind a computer screen and started hacking, &quot;What? Password? Let&apos;s see… Um… Hope?&quot; I tried possible combinations until I came to the one answer, &quot;Oh, I know! &apos;Mastermind&apos;. Yass!&quot; All the devices were off and everyone&apos;s back to normal. I ran back and saw Makoto&apos;s room and locked it to make sure he doesn&apos;t come out, &quot;You can&apos;t escape Makoto. I&apos;m doing this for your own good.&quot; Then I ran back.</p>
<p data-p-id=“827025f6913784074a63a855082f9d81”>I ran back to the thorn room and carried Fell, although I&apos;m still wearing the outfit Makoto showed me earlier, &quot;Ugh… Sweetheart… Are we alive…?&quot; I giggled, &quot;Hehe, yeah, we are. I&apos;m just glad you&apos;re okay Fell. Now let&apos;s go get our brother.&quot; We were united with Edge and went back home to fix the house. I finally got off Makoto&apos;s trail, or so I thought. </p>
<p data-p-id=“a17fb592ceafde39082318c547ab1128”>(Makoto&apos;s POV) </p>
<p data-p-id=“4063b47be5e72ae852a83f580b578ca4”>How did she escape?! I could&apos;ve sworn I keep all the doors locked!? &quot;Argh, This is hopeless! She escaped right under my nose!&quot; &quot;*maybe I can help?&quot; I turned to a skeleton with blue sweater, &quot;Great, more skeletons. Can this day get any worse?&quot; He chuckled, &quot;*actually, I&apos;m here to help.&quot; I folded my arms, &quot;How?&quot; He snickered, &quot;*we both like the kid and we want her all to her ourself. So I&apos;m here to help.&quot; After telling me his plan, we both laughed insanely. She will be mine. I will betray him and take her as my own.</p>
<p data-p-id=“76385f7624d1ba8571e0bca0771c02c5”>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</p>
<p data-p-id=“bbb7a1390328398be80dff20378938d8”>I&apos;M BACK BRAH!


this was the greatest thing ever.

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I cant describe how freaking epic this was

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If the next post on this thread includes Peter Griffin I will make a Sans x Komaeda fanfic

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Make hjasik x hjasik fanfic

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I regret reading that out loud and recording it

I call dibs on reading it

what the fuck
