10000th Poster gets a cake


it redirects back to you

You had nowhere to deflect it too! Therefore you have to join it

I feel like twi is going to yell at me

itā€™s this feeling

/pats Twilight yeah you tell that catto!

What do you mean she hasnā€™t yelled at Firecatto yet?

Marcus when did you become a community guide?

End of last year


Uhuh, I will skip the fact itā€™s not very appropriate and even irritating to advertise like in this way.

*sips tea :tea:

About the second part, I donā€™t see an enjoyment in attending to a game full of tryhards when some of them are borderline-toxic.

Hard pass

Yeah most of em self meta and self meta is fairly normal there isnā€™t it?

Where else am I suppose to advertise it

The cookie place is meant for spam and Off topic

not really?


honestly though I predicted that was going to be twilight response. Itā€™s legit what I meant by getting yelled at by twi.

But like itā€™s the cookie thread itā€™s perfect, no one cares like I donā€™t care about half the conversation in the thread. Just ignore it if you donā€™t want to see it.

Or am I thinking of mafiascum? Was looking through some games there late last year and half of it is like ā€œIm town when I do X Y Z and Im doing X Y Z so A is scum obv.ā€

Similar story on mafia451 which uses discourse too, but some people there seem somewhat likeable

Not from what I seen? From what I heard people on ms can be read from town=solving scum=trying to look town

short end summary of something I heard I donā€™t know how accurate it is

The second part of the statement is somewhat fair tho tbh

In the site where this game come from? There are far more people than here.

And yes, seeing advertisements is annoying especially when nobody ask for it.

but twilight

the purpose of advertising here is to get people not on the site there, there.

And just donā€™t look at the posts if you donā€™t want to. This is the cake thread. Itā€™s where all the spam go so they donā€™t have to make multiple threads. If you are bothered by posts here then maybe donā€™t look in the spam thread.

Sure if you buy for me a pair of glasses that absolutely nothing I can see. :^)