10000th Poster gets a cake

Also did you not stop to think that maybe literal actual gay people would rather you didn’t reduce their identity to a fucking joke

maximus is gay jazz


internalised homophobia

ignore me lmao


I need to be banned from using Adobe Premiere

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They are manipulating everyone by the sharing of information

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See the funny thing about giving information is you never want to give all of it

Then they don’t need you more

Give them small bits of information like a little to be able to predict what they do next, like hey so and so is going to go against you…

They won’t be your ally, they will let you live for a while though.

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Yep they are doing that

Basically the dwarves have a nuke. The humans showed this information to the werebeasts so they could dispose of the nuke. The humans showed this information to the elves because the elves had a magical spell which also worked as a nuke, bluffing on the the Dwarven nuke would be more powerful than their spell. It then turned the elves against the dwarves, but the elf noticed she was bein used as a toy and also threatened the information giver.
I belive they are going to share the information on the elfic nuke to another race rn.
Their objective is to destroy the gods, which are the creators of each race. By how they used every one of the 16 races, they had assigned a chess piece to each one.
The humans are the king, the werebeasts are a pawn, the elves are a tower and I don’t remember the one of the dwarves but that info should be on Wikia.


LOL Thats obviously fake because tower doesnt exist


I wanted to invite CBman for short fuse 2, but he’s been suspended to 3019? Is that a mistake or intentional?

I don’t need details or well I guess I don’t need an answer either, but curiosity still.

OMG I totally forgot about our marshmallow shepherd. Short Fuse I was a great game.

Engrish for rook

What happened what

I don’t think it’s our place to speculate. I just wonder if the suspension was meant to be 2019, so he could still play in Short Fuse II.

Since you liked the post

I read more and their actual plan is not to slay the gods, but to create a new god which would override all the others as the world was destructed. So they are making the races go MAD.

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usually they add a 1000 years for a permanent ban

He’s permanently banned, it’s intentional

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Can people who have been permanent banned be ever unbanned or

Yes in 3019

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