10000th Poster gets a cake

Water can’t hurt me, Mozart

Don’t worry about it

It’s salt water

Either they are having a game for themselves, or they are making something.

Ahahaha, you fool, salt is my natural element, it only empowers me! You shall now die for your foolishness you puny human.

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Yeah, your a saltomancer

Salt Overdose is a very common threat for most Forumers

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/Kill Geyde


You got Salted Geyde.

my a saltomancer what

You can’t kill me Jack.

You can’t kill Memes

You know like necromancer or pyromancer

Basically calling you a mage of salt.

Yes… I AM the threat.

Then you must be Harambe.

Wow, not curious about mine? :thinking:

Brings out my Steam PFP

Hell no.

no i was making a joke on the incorrect use of your

That would imply I was already dead mate

Check your discord marl


Honestly dont give a shit on grammar, unless im taking it seriously