10000th Poster gets a cake


okay, so were 8 when you called yourself Marluxion

Got it, Truly an interesting origin story.

Its almost february why yall still have your santa hats on?


This is the real question.


you mean why donā€™t you have yours

Cause we have ten months till Christmas, for one I am getting prepared.

I wouldnā€™t call it interesting
Itā€™s just better than what my first username was
And itā€™s far too late to change alias now

snakes change faces all the time :wink:


My first username was SpeedDemon991 when I was obsessed with Sonic as a kid

I mean, same.

I was jesting about it lul, cause most people are inspired by something, that leads to their username

Feels like me and Geyde are exceptions though lul.

Just realized how perfect this excuse is lol

Who wasnt tbh.

I Remember playing sonic on the gamecube.

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ngl i think a friend recommended that i name myself maximusprime cause i liked transformers

i donā€™t think i was smart enough to come up with this

Can you change it to literally anything else so we donā€™t ping @MaXiMuS every time we try to ping you

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ok, sure

how do i change it

You donā€™t that was a joke

I originally had my online names as Meagadaf.

Used to be kicked from groups for just being a general annoyance.

Technically you needs mod to do it
hi marl

i would take maximus if it wasnā€™t already taken so max or maxi is fine

what do yā€™all want?

  • Max
  • Maxi
  • Other (Reply below)

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