10000th Poster gets a cake

Die on your birthday blue!


weā€™ll see

You have 12 minutes

Bit rude there

Itā€™s not rude

Itā€™s fun! I personally would love dying on my birthday.

Blows whistle
You went too far, Cat! Delete that post!

wait I was talking about joining Music mash and dying I realize it could sound rude

Itā€™s out of context when it sounds rude

Could?! IT IS RUDE!!!



Dude, thereā€™s no other way you can interpret that post! Now delete it!


@MaximusPrime 9 minutes left

where the fuck is thr password reset button on mobile

I donā€™t know can I just say that max will be joining but he needs to reset his password?

then you can confirm it later

Is your account maxi?

Thatā€™s not how it works -_-

uh yes it is

I can hold a spot open for him

itā€™s max

i accidentally made maxi when i couldnā€™t remember my username lmao