10000th Poster gets a cake

@anon7190829 is my Hippo alt :^)




1 Like

No u

Did someone thanos snap everyone in forum games?

snaps again just to make sure

shitpost 1/17660

From Western Philadelphia I hail,
where in my youth I’d play upon the green
'til - rue the day! - I found myself assail’d by ruffians contemptible and mean.
Although the spat was trivial and brief,
it wounded my dear mother deep within;
and so, to give her conscience sweet relief,
she sent me forth to live amongst her kin.
When to my port of call I’d been conveyed,
I came upon a coachman most unique;
and yet, I simply took the trip and paid,
despite his cab’s decor and fresh mystique.
I survey all the land with princely mien
in fair Bel-Air, where I do lay my scene.

Inhales in Mark Strong

Country Roooooooads

Take me…

i committed tax fraud

I started trouble thats what young kids do, I was young alright,

help the irs is coming

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 3

@discobot 1d3

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 3


Happy New Year from us Brits! :tada::tada:
