10000th Poster gets a cake

Death cleanses all.

Edit the Timeline of the Forum

Chungus, the fifth horseman of the Apocalypse arrives

Hex: Haunted Chungus

Not this, it will be permanently imprinted in the fabric of reality itself

Blizerker is going to bed

Night Yall.

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'ight Blize :slight_smile:

Who’s berserker? You mean squid?

@Marluxion What have you done with Marl you sick monster?!

Marl evolved

Its a hint to my PfP character.

Seems strange to call squid that tho…almost like you meant something else

but that would be nonsense

Not if I have the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

join fate rp

Ill think about it.

Got alot of work this coming week.

pls we need more masters


How many do u have?

Is it time to eat some moss?

Insanity no.

I need to restore Prana, so this blizerker is heading to bed.

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