10000th Poster gets a cake


Have the spreadsheet link


edit is open

hja you cannot change tho

the tribal council has voted you to be teruteru

at least you’re not Hifumi


maybe hja could be hifumi

  • teruteru
  • hifumi

0 voters

whomst’ve is hjasik

hifumi is fat hamster man

Marl is it correct that you are the Supreme Leader of the forums?

Marl as kokichi

Ok legit wtf is a danganropa

it’s true

marl is our evil overlord


Im afraid I don’t understand

Murder mystery visual novel

Probs one of the biggest visual novel in Western world

and definitely the best.

the trial gameplay is great

1 Like

laughing like nagito rn

@Emilia is this a joke or no?


Looks at Chiaki and Shuichi in intense confusion
I’m timid but is good at solving DR cases but I’m a girl gamer and I’m tired most of the time