10000th Poster gets a cake

merc what the hell

Can I comment on how I dislike the usual motivational propaganda
Like no I don’t have a fighter spirit
I don’t want to prove everyone who doubted me wrong
My urge to so something that someone told me I could not is nonexistent
I only want to have support on whatever what I’m doing, not to be challenged.

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That kind of attitude is way more prominent in dudes than it is in gals
not intending to be sexist, that attitude is generally bad anyways
just something i’ve noticed
might be a hormonal thing

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I noticed it as being pretty standard, oh well.
Makes sense on being hormonal, but my lack of initiative to go out my comfort zone is also disgusting.

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there’s only one good kind of motivation


thread limit was upped to 50k we should unlock the old cookie thread



Heck yeah

only when this one reaches 50k.

damn, why is there a BD page on my webcomic.


I browse ifunny unironically :joy:

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People still think Merc is a guy smh

I honestly love it

Ok now u my boie

( // > < )


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I thought that for the longest time
But I also thought Squid was a boy
and Shurian and Dama were girls

so just goes to show that my gender reads are as accurate as my fm reads :slight_smile:


Wait Squid is not a boy


Man why the hell everytime I open the thread this plays alone

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