2d3 Mafia Chat

People scumread me constantly

Literally all the time

It’s when they townread me that they should be scared

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That tactical cherry pick worked well enough to get Livicus’s vote?

Holy shit

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I bet they don’t understand what’s going on at all

Remember you don’t know Luxy is cop for sure

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I’m not an idiot

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I know, just making sure

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I’ve done stupider stuff myself

like what? :thinking:

Don’t worry about it

But let’s just say that lynching the Hunter, thereby killing Mole the Drunk, and then lynching Mido the Princess would not be my worst play

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Mislynching blue

Still pocketing him life is gud

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Same tbh lmao

To his dying breath we will be town

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You are 100% getting MVP and I cri

Oh, uh, thanks for believing in me I guess lol

you are totally getting MVP there’s no question about it tbh

But your time to shine is gonna be tomorrow - I’ve been a more present factor for this lynch, and also kinda Wazza’s, plus I obviously know that Luxy is cop, so it’ll be up to you tomorrow to keep the wagon off of me

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Don’t downplay the final day


A modrant about how we made everybody distrust blue so effectively :wink:

Unlike wazza this isn’t a gimme

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