2d3 Mafia Chat

Yeah you town lol

this either ends in a scum victory today or goes to final 3, gl bois


I’m still lock Town from ashe.

I tell her that ici was checked by cop and get them to vote livicus and we win

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p much

I may need to quickswitch at EoD because if Ici pushes Ashe I am too

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Although because Marl has a habit of being a few minutes late maybe I shouldn’t :thinking:

w/e either way is fine in the end

better than 4 days late :eyes: stares at neopolitan

I had literally no part in that :man_shrugging:

I feel like it would be much harder to win if hjaisk didn’t out

Yeah, but I probably would’ve just killed Luxy n1

So realistically the end result may well be the same

Yeah I think Ashe is a safe push for me when I get back

Depending on how things shake out you can either stay or switch, but I recommend staying

If we coast in again somebody will probably start a cfd

Split V/V wagons are what we need rn

See this is why I’m not talking yet

Oh wow look Ashe laid out exactly what I need to do to get myself scumread by her

We’ll see how people respond and come in later today after classes

I find this funny for some reason

No one is talking in thread and I’m sad

What would be really interesting is if you start a cfd in the last 20-ish minutes from Ashe to Livicus or vice versa

It may not be necessary but it may keep people from cfding to me

idk keep it in mind

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we basically win if the votes stay the same.

I think we did it.

If you start to get CFD to I’ll start putting pressure and redirect it somewhere else

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