2d3 Mafia Chat

Basically we win in 10 mins and ici won’t come online we def win

So you just chill imo

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If he does come in at like 5 mins it could be problematic

I’m not here orange

Yes you are

@Marluxion if a villager flips, before unlocking the thread can you do me a huge favor and post this quote?


No I’m going to post the Wazza post where he says Firekitten is distancing from you and everyone didn’t even acknowledge it


Post both and we have a deal

y’know what they say
Don’t make any deals with demons that you intend to keep :thinking:

I’m not gonna be around long post-flip because I’ve still got a ton more math work due at 1:00 AM

Also @Kirefitten don’t swap onto Ashe

I’d prefer to win this with the two best town leaders in this game still alive


Pretty sure we won

I wasn’t going to

Posting this meme in chat in under one minute

Ici when he comes back


We did it yay

Underwhelming victory woo

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Both vote ourselves?

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Yeah vote yourself

Sounds good, well played man