2d3 - Mafia Victory


I see

hey screw you

yeah you stopped townreading them right when I started questioning my townlock on them :thinking:

we had a confused villager who made a shitty bootleg version of somebody else’s reads this game

Why should we assume that’s the norm?

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I’m suspecting an Ashe deepwolf here

the posts are similar to Neapolitan

Plus blue didn’t jump straight off the deep end, his early posts seemed logical but contradictions have started to build and I’ve seen a lot of hand-waving them away

Mindmeld I guess?

It appears so

What part of this is “deepwolfing” lmao

That’s pretty shallow for being “deep”

you may need to take off those scum-tinted glasses and then read me again :^)
I do actually have autonomy (even regardless of alignment no less)!

attempted deepwolfing

I’ve thought about it.
And no, this is wolf lol

/vote Blue

I mean obviously I agree but what in particular changed your mind

I mostly mulled over the possibility of Blue being VI and determined that while this behaviour can be exhibited by a VI it is NOT in character for Blue.

literally my point?

not even with other meta but from D1 to now

Well it makes even more senese with meta. Blue can create intricate games with very little contradictory mechanics, and he can’t even keep his reads together?

But yeah mostly I’m agreeing with everybody else, there’s not much to say about Blue that hasn’t already been said.

Firstly I had a LOT of help with eevee on that part.

Secondly, I’m just gonna keep on building on who I think is scum with Ashe now that I’m back home.

Why did you just disprove a point explaining why you were village?

Wait what the fuck am I just saying