2d3 - Mafia Victory

Anyway I’m gonna be busy for the rest of the day, if you do lynch me today then I highly suggest an Ashe lynch tomorrow at LyLo cause I’m certain they’re scum.

Oh btw I’m pretty sure with Ashe’s reaction to hjasik claiming JK, we’re in B2.

Blueboi out!

Everything you’ve said about me is feeble and your quotes of me are out of context

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I’m not gonna argue anymore cause I did what I was asked of everyone and apparently all that earned me was a vote from Livicus.

I can only offer you three options at this stage. CFD onto Ashe, vote them for execution tomorrow at LyLo, or /nolynch so it’s a MyLo situation instead.

Wazza v2 wtf

I still want to lynch ashe more tbh

A play so dumb I can’t comprehend it

/votes blue harder

/vote blue

How does being in mylo help us at all

That takes away one of our lynches

Why would you say that

MyLo = less dangerous than LyLo, and you know it.

Literally dropping at minimum a third of our information

The stakes are the same, except you can nolynch safely

So you seriously think we should nolynch twice and let the scum pick that extra kill for us?

Screw that, nice try

For the reason I stated above.

I’m just saying, I’d much prefer you to vote Ashe.

MyLo wouldn’t really work anyway as all that would happen is either Pug or FK dies.

Oh so now mylo wouldn’t work :eyes:

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I don’t think you should, no.

I’m simply laying all options out onto the table.

Bruh I can’t even rn

Where do you come up with this stuff

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this is just convincing me more that you and ashe are a scum team ngl

Listen, just promise me this.

When I flip Vanilla Villager, and that’s a WHEN, vote Ashe tomorrow, okay?