2d3 - Mafia Victory

How is it possible to scum slip as town :thinking:

Simple, you aren’t Town.

its like me in ninja and guns

and trust me I wouldn’t be 100% memes or this active if I got scum again lmao

Wolfy post combined with a scum slip.

Die scum!

In Ashe’s defence, and as a fellow DnD player, lists are the purest form of communication.


and yeah if you can’t actually articulate the scum slip that just means this a bait lol

:clap: someone gets it lol
(save me)


I have one simple question.

How could it NOT be a bait if you were Town.

what is in downtime

@Kirefitten your test is dumb, cease and desist.


Making items and potions and stuff
Still tinkering with the exact numbers but nearly there I hope

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shush it’s working

lolreactiontests? :^)

I normally don’t go and out other people’s reaction tests but this is literally never going to yield any result from Ashe.

Because it’s so fucking obvious


Ici I am still waiting for your reasoning for this cuz Ì dont like it at all

Doing meta hunts isn’t instant. Wait your turn.

Incidentally; why did you post that? How is that supposed to help village at all?

to what post you are refering to

This post. How exactly is you telling me to post something literally 5 minutes after I promised to post it anything but an example of you being overdefensive?