2d3 - Mafia Victory

Cop13 is much less townsided because despite the proportions being kept because it’s much less likely to end up in a 1vX situation early on

the wolves have far much more room in a 13er than a 9er
i’m using this to argue that C1 is pretty much balanced

roleblocker was unnececary /end

Please don’t flood this thread with balance discussion before it begins btw :^)

I’m leaving the setup as is
for now


Roleblocker did nothing anyway so it was cop9 in all but name

and you didn’t give the Cop their N0

Was I supposed to?

cop9 is played on Mu with the Cop always having a clear n1, wolf day and night chat and being unable to change your vote once it’s cast in LyLo

That lylo thing seems overly complex in a turbo

the N0 dosen’t seem like much but when combined with hypoclaiming it becomes superpowerful

Making sure people notice this btw


and I agree, the only reason they do that is because it’s a setting on modbot

sips tea :tea:
What is this? Another game with dices? Huh, good luck for Mafia in this game. KEK

Then why just not do it…?

Its why I like i42 forums tbh.

putting majority in final three even after neapolitan :^)

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well actually they do like it, it forces the villa to think more carefully about their votes in LyLo and acts as another balancing mechanism.

So it favours mafia?
Why don’t we do it here where we have such a low scum winrate

i mean we’re doing 36/12 phases in this game so we are slowly turning into MU. We’ll see what marl thinks.

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Marl what are chances of mafia winning this game if I am on mafia team



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