2d3 - Mafia Victory

FEFM day 1

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are you judging my town bloc

They were scum in fates? Is that the right game

One of the mountainouses

yes I’m judging the town bloc


Also Private Investigations

I was alive most of the game in that too

be warned you shall not win against it


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classic lmao

That’s why FEFM is better

He needs only read day 1

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Probably isn’t the best one to do if you want a fair meta read.

The better one would be the game where they deep wolfed and see if anything similar due to meta changing.

however no matter how much you try you won’t defeat it

apparently their scum game has “changed a lot”

I doubt it but whatever

It’s one game lmao

Last VC for the next 8ish hours

Accused Voters Count
Luxy orangeandblack5 1

An original one


I went from slanking to not slanking :^)

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That’s not really a change tbh

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@Ashe you liked that post because you agree?

Kinda lol
The difference is most likely effort so it’s kinda a misnomer to call it a whole new style of scum play
but even I don’t know what I did differently beyond that that made it work :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I’ve finally shown up!
And no, I don’t have a team pitch yet.

I have read the posts between then and now; and to be honest Ashe has done quite a few things to make me want to have a thorough read of them.

@Luxy when you have time please pitch who you think the wolfteam wouldl be assuming I was 100% lock wolf and what’d be if I was 100% lock villager.