2d3 - Mafia Victory

@ashe why are Townreading blue again.


if you did, orange as I’ve said previously.
If Ici did, I’d have to reread and re-evaluate because I would be way off course.

Ashe/BlueStorm scumteam

Cause I don’t see anything egregious (is that the word?) about how they’ve played

But I think orange is town too

Quote everything you think they did that was townie


My town bloc has been destroyed help

Only blocs formed by me may stand

That’s why you don’t townbloc friend

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The two plausible scumteams in my eyes are luxy-ici or orange-ici btw, and there’s enough people left that if I get mislynched today but I’m still right for a town win so that’s nice

Will do

Well if you mean because I’m in it then it’s still fine but either way that’s not how town blocs are meant to work :^)

uh, you do now scum only need 3 mislynches?

Why is ici in both?

Because she has to limit her scumreads to plausible mislynch targets :thinking:

This feels like something scum would say ngl

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yeah so what I’m saying is if I’m right (big if) but am mislynched today then there’s still room for the TvS of luxy and orange to get rekt

Because they’re basically lock scum to me if it weren’t for the fact that a lot of what they’ve said I can’t figure out if it’s coming from a scum perspective or not

something something right back atcha for OMGUSing me lol


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someday I’m going to form the ultimate town bloc that doesn’t get invaded by wolves.

Okay @BlueStorm so do you scumread ashe,

I didn’t vote you for voting me, I voted you because of your reads