2d3 - Mafia Victory

As far as I’m concerned Livicus the first thing I wanna hear from you is a stance on Ashe vs Blue for today’s lynch, not a generic “well look at the VC”, because them as a scumteam is super llikely imo

Take a stance bud

Livi, would you like a saddle?

That fence seems awfully uncomfortable.


Look at the actual thread posts not the vote count

I am currently, that’s why I started off with that

inb4 blue + livicus

You mean that you ISOed marl first instead of reading the actual thread?

No I was scrolling up from bottom and saw the VC so I gave my 2 cents on that first


HOW COULD YOU JUST SEE VOTE COUNTS. But reply to that other post

this is totally irrellevant aaaaaaaa

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idk they voted them twice in their two first immediate posts

seems unlikely imo

Livicus do live reactions.

They’re big charts with colors? lol

If they ISOED marl they couldn’t have replied to the other post but then they said they didn’t.

FK if we go deep into this kind of shit we’ll end up in a hellhole in which people are lynched for using Light Theme instead of Grey Amber

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That sounds horrible

But the inverse sounds pretty nice

Okay nevermind, I think Ashe + Blue is a possibility, either that or it’s Blue + Luxy/Ici due to his backtrack and contradicting votes

And what was that AtE all about

Luxy and Ici are town fight me