2d3 - Mafia Victory

That would literally be 2 for 2

Eh, may as well wax poetic before my time comes and I flip Vanilla Villager.

6 months ago I participated in the 2022 Birmingham Handover ceremony for the Commonwealth Games. What we basically had to do was a dance routine in the middle of Victoria Square, all nicely choreographed and if I do say so myself, it turned out wonderfully (except for one dude falling off of one of the big spheres, but he got back up and continued on so props to him).

I met someone there who was really awesome but will remain unnamed for anonymity’s sake. It took me a while to speak to her but once we did, we became really good friends. But I had an inner paranoia that I was going to mess friendships up because that’s what I do best.

One of the rehearsal dates we had, I was just sitting in a chair, and the girl wants to get something from her bag. So even though they weren’t in the way, I moved my feet so she could have better access. She just looked up at me and said “You don’t have to do that, you know.” And I acknowledged that, but I kept on doing it anyway because it was an inert response to someone needing to get to somewhere - I move out of the way. And again she says “You really don’t have to keep moving your legs away.”

I have an inner paranoia that means that even though I’m not doing anything wrong, I feel like I am and that makes me feel like I have to “cover my tracks” or whatever, even though it’s totally unnecessary.

You can call that an analogy of my performance this game, so at least when I do flip Vanilla Villager, you’ll have had a neat little story to read and a nice piece of insight into my mind.

Wait the commonwealth games are a thing?


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Smh Americans amiright @Ashe

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4 hours left

From my point of view, Blue is going to a great deal of effort to make it seem like I’m their scum partner so (assuming they flip mafia, which they probably will but then again wazza lol) all I can hope for is if we’re in B1 and have a Cop for them to check me, because even if I’m mafia I gain nothing from being checked by the cop of course lol
(inb4 it is B1 but mafia rolecop found Cop last night and I look even more scummy lmao)

Is orange even american? :^)

I mean we don’t have the American games

I think ashe is a member of the mafia!
@Ashe post your reads please

will do, give me a minute

Why do you keep doing this shit

It pretty much has to be B1 or else hjasik would still be alive

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because nobody has ever WIFOM’d before

Well unless Blue’s tp bait worked

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Like why are you so confident it’s B1?

Ashe are you okay?

Because I cannot believe anybody was dumb enough to not guard hjasik

That just felt strange what you said


you were like

“No one has ever wifomed before”

“why are you so confident it’s B-1”

You said that to yourself

Why are you so confident it was, one post before, and now you’re questioning orange on it?

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