2d3 - Mafia Victory


Her being scum and knowing whether they have a rolecop, role blocker or 2nd goon along with hjasik claiming Jailkeeper D1 makes her “know” what the setup is.

But yeah I get that it’s plurality and all but can y’all just flip me as Vanilla Villager so Ashe doesn’t have time to manipulate y’all

Not really?

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Why are you so damn LAMIST, I have never seen you like this before. :x

Easy. He’s scum.

Post the reads, don’t make shitty edits

See where he fucked up was in saying Vanilla Villager when the card obviously says Vanilla Townie.

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btw luxy this is a reaction test of the reactionisty reaction tests.

Do you wanna form a town bloc

Cause whatever I do, someone’s gonna say ERMEHGERD SO SCUM even when it’s not even scum indicative



You passed.

It says Vanilla Town actually, but I don’t look at my card when it doesn’t have any special interactions.


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That’s what I said :blush:

Blue scumslipped

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Nice Qedit jackass

thanks captain obvious :wink:

You’re welcome scum!kitten :wink: