2d3 - Mafia Victory

I may or may not have forgot and went back to browsing reddit for a while :eyes:

So 4/7 alive players are scumreads for you?

When there is two scum possible

I mean that’s better than 5/7 or 1/7

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Two thirds of Ashe’s reads are scumreads. If that isn’t a scum readlist I don’t know what is.

Thanks for solidifying my read on you Ashe.

Because you’re all doing weird scummy stuff, I don’t know what to say

(It’s almost as if her highest scumread isn’t actually scum)

How does that even correlate lol
Same to you at this point

I have two scumreads?

What does this even mean

Enjoy meeting me in the grave come tomorrow FK, you’re tonight’s obvious kill for the wolves

See this is why I’m scumreading you, general unspecific shadethrows, but if I really need to spell it out for you, it’s two responses to two lines:


I didn’t understand that either tbh

Excuse you I’m a butlet proof survivor double voter thank you very much

Honestly watching this is like watching TV.
can someone bring popcorn?

Scum usually either have a lot of scumreads or nullreads in their readlist, so they can throw shade on multiple people, and if one of them gets townread they can move onto someone else.

Everything you say is so flawed.

Funny I legit thought this was describing Livicus and I was hardcore agreeing with you

Then I realized this was for Ici lmao

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Unnecessary shadethrowing from Ashe once again.

Even Stevie Wonder in an unlit cave wearing beer goggles can see that you die tonight.

Why are you regurgitating the things I say you’re doing and saying I’m doing them? :thinking:

Would the beer goggles or unlit-ness even matter?

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Except I’m not shadethrowing, I’m pointing out valid points. Orange didn’t understand your post either yet you jumped at the chance to shadethrow me.

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