2d3 - Mafia Victory

Like it’s all PoE why try to use that as a way to catch somebody out

Wait you’ve been consistently nullreading me up until today, while you had a townread on Pug’s slot for a long-ass time. But now they have been “more consistently scummy”???

This is 100% scum, and it especially feels like distancing to me. Town doesn’t need to lie about the state of their reads like this. We all saw your color charts.

That was something I brought up first as a hypothetical and you then latched onto

@Icibalus I’m quite confident that Ashe is scum in all circumstances here, and with seemingly nobody on as we approach EoD I ask that you move your vote back over to Ashe. We can sort out FK/Livicus for good in F3, but I need your opinion here and your vote switched back.

Oh good, she’s here :roll_eyes:

Not sure whether I should actually delve into this or not
This comes off as painfully desperate to try to win the game before F3 to me

Could you not? Like seriously

I wanted Ici here, and it’s literally impossible to win before F3 at this point?

Just the most passive aggressive ass messages out of you this game though seriously

not for you (scum, if I really need to spell it out)

That one was a joke, and I don’t remember any others

Feel free to use this time to point them out though, hopefully the post activity will stir somebody lol

This one especially pissed me off not only because it was passively aggressive but because Blue didn’t end up being scum and of course I’m not (even if the jury is still out on that to everyone else)
Like I don’t care if you’re scum or if you’re joking, it’s toxic as hell

Did you take “bad” to mean as a player?

I meant tone

It would take a lot of shit to get me to diss you as a player in that manner

Ah, that’s fine then

So yeah, sorry if that was taken as an insult, I’ll word that more clearly next time

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Well at least you aren’t fishing for a confrontation here - I was kinda worried you’d be reaching for examples of passive-aggressiveness instead of using my in-game actions in your accusations of me. I clearly had the wrong impression.

16 Minutes until EoD.

Hell ngl I’m very surprised that that just happened

Does scum!Ashe drop a potential chip that quickly? :thinking:

Probably yeah lol

I was really expecting Ici to have set an alarm or something, considering there’s a near-100% chance that he dies tonight.

Reporting For duty