2d3 - Mafia Victory

He wants to lynch you.

You JUST said you don’t know if he wants to pressure you

Does that matter?

Yes I said that I think he is trying to mislynch me but I don’t know if he just wants to pressure me

So if he answered he did want to lynch you, you will vote him? Is that what I’m getting from this.

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Town hjaisk would have a specific response to this

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I’m inclined to agree here.

If he says he wants to Lynch me it doesn’t mean he wants to Lynch me because since there is a lot of time to scumhunt and Lynches go only through plurality

Reaction test failed.

You basically dodged my question. wanna try again?

/vote hjasik

Not what I was expecting which was a shame, really.

I’m looking for a specific response here that only town hjasik would give here

No I would not vote him right now I answered it inderictly

Town hjaisk would vote right here.

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2 out of 3, which is a shame.

Town hjaisk would have said yes, however scum hjaisk would think I would suspect them for saying yes.

Reaction test failed

Well Thats a bad reaction test if you think So

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Why the 180?

Not like I have Any credit to say that someones reaction test is bad tho

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Town hjasik is very prone to OMGUS voting their main accusers.

They answered a reaction test by saying they would not do so here.

You see my issue with this.