2d3 - Mafia Victory

Mafia Roleblocker
Mafia Rolecop
Mafia Goon
Town Cop, Town Neapolitan
Town Cop, Town Tracker
Town Cop, Vanilla Town
Town Jailkeeper, Town Doctor
Town Jailkeeper, Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper, Vanilla Town
Town Doctor, Town Cop
Town Doctor, Town Neapolitan
Town Doctor, Town Tracker

The roles in question. Neither of these roles appears with a vanilla town.

Unless you’re a Cop who didn’t realise Cop doesn’t appear with Jailkeeper or a Jailkeeper who didn’t realise there can’t be two, I guess.

And we obviously do have to keep those possibilities included if this claim is to be taken seriously for obvious reasons :^)

appears with a vanilla town instead of a second PR*

blame Ici

Anyway, /vote GamerPoke
I was going to let the whole “suspiciously not around when action was happening” thing slide, but then they just happened to show up after I said that again for a whole of one message before again disappearing into the ether the moment serious discussion picked up again

Nah, blame you for claiming after a whole of 3 votes in plurality despite the fact that a third of the day still remains

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I wouldn’t be so harsh on it if it came a little later but like, come on what the heck was that

it was :salt:

Then remember this for future games


Luxy isn’t going to be on as they are going to be asleep. @GamerPoke get here

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Oh god, just realised if you are a Cop it’s possible that you’re our only PR and mafia would know this and we’re one night away from mountainous 2 :^)

And they would know that how?

Because they know which PR (or lack-there-of in the case I’m referring to) they have, and Cop only appears once in column C.

I will blame Ici anyway

So you learned nothing then :^)

If this isn’t a play my post-game salt will be immense :^)


I could have gotten lynched if I didnt out


There was still over a third of the day left and you had 3 votes, and not very concrete votes at that

I’m just going to take solace in the fact that I think you’re smarter than this and it’s a play :^)

Seeking a replacement for Gamerpoke. @Htm @Livicus first one to yell at me gets it