2d3 - Mafia Victory

Nah if anything else you getting back to finalize a vote on hjasik makes you almost locktown imo

Unless your buddy is Luxy or poke’s slot, I guess

There was no inescapable tunnel ffs

Sooooo anyway we’re defaulting to policy lynching a slanker because the one major push turned out to be incorrect, right?

No I’m voting Ashe because I think she’s trying to manipulate this situation for towncred

About a week ago I’d disagree with you because I wouldn’t believe Ashe is that much of a powerwolf.
Now I’m really not so sure after Neapolitan.

Is Wazza about to do a read list?

idk it’s not even true powerwolfing just implications

they are just going to slank I guess

They just said they were about to do colors

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Alright, reads time bois:
hjasik - Town, but VI. From my analysis, they’re either a Doctor, Tracker, misguided (didn’t realise Jailkeeper can’t appear with them) Cop or misguied Jailkeeper.
Firekitten - Town-lean. Good strong reads that I agree with so far.
Icibalus - Ehhhh. Basically null but I feel like calling it null when they’ve posted a bunch is a misnomer lol. I’ve seen good from them, I’ve seen bad from them, and I think they could end up on either side of the board.
Luxy - Scum-lean. I would give them Null if it weren’t for the fact that they specifically called out people for slanking pre-game and to my knowledge have been pinged since.
Bluestorm - Null. I need to hear more from them to decide where I sit with them, but like Icibalus, I could see them as either town or scum at this point.
WazzaAzza - Null. As much as I scumread GamerPoke, they answer they gave for GamerPoke’s replace out seems too solid and quickly answered to be a lie. While this doesn’t take them off my scumdar, it certainly leaves them at a null read.
orangeandblack5 - Scum-lean. I don’t just give them this read because they’re actively suspecting and voting me (that would be stupid of course), but because they’re using a track record of their solid reads on me as evidence instead of using what I’ve done this game to pin blame on me. As well as that, it’s obvious to anyone active that my scum game only turned around as of Neapolitan and that before then I was inactive as scum to the point of hilarity, yet in this game I’m active. They weren’t there for neapolitan to my knowledge, and using my previous scum games without including neapolitan as evidence when I’m not playing anything like my previous (or even my current) scum play seems very scum motivated to me. Despite this, I won’t vote them today as I still haven’t decided whether I think they’re definite scum or not, I just ask that others watch them with care.
Pug - Town-lean. They were late to the party in the day, but didn’t really ping me as anything but town. Still need to see more from them to cement it though.

I have about 15 minutes before I have to go and won’t show up again for quite a bit, so if anybody spotted any interesting reaction to hjasik now might be a nice time.

Icibalus voted me randomly from start of day 1 for no reason

You mean RVS? :^)

Your tone, sir, was absoloute shit.

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Also @Marluxion can you do a VC?

it was not it was just like in any town game I had

I’m not going to lie but I stand by your tone being totally different than every vila game I’ve seen you in, even if you’re lock villa.

it is not its very similar to my village games

Ici is town discuss.