2d3 - Mafia Victory

Don’t be taking it out on us, homeslice.

Remember my good advice


If we do either they can’t or they’re dead I think

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What’s that?

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Marl btw I know you usually don’t let scumteams concede but if we have guessed the scumteam d1 I would recommend letting them if they ask for it lmao

I mean I’m just digging my grave here.

I’m going to calm down



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W.A.F.F.L.E.O: We’re All Friends, Friends Love Each Other

It was supposed to just be WAFFLE but then I found out “each other” is two words

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Wait you didn’t know that?

Are you ESL? Or did you just not know lol

That means English Second Language right?


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Well you can have everyone and every one, so why not eachother and each other?

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Because English makes no sense :^)


True it’s a hard af language to learn

We have more exceptions than rules

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No kidding. Try pronouncing “ough” and see where that takes you :smile:

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Who is getting mvp

The game’s not over yet (despite appearances), and the losing team is part of that decision and they’re not exactly about to speak up and say their pick :^)

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gud question

I don’t think I found any actual scum myself per se

Mind you, game’s not over yet. Pug isn’t 100% scum. Just the most likely candidate at current.

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Let’s just say we are all MVP and we all get a title.


So if mafia wins can We agree that I get mvp for outing town PR right ?

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If that means I get to choose Marl’s still I’m in :^)