2d3 Turbo - Signups [8/9]

its on the backburner of things we want to change, but havent gotten to

pigeon I’m pretty sure if you ping people for this they won’t join

Would you like to join :eyes:?

If it fills up at a good time I might join


btw quick question how long do you think it would take you to set up the game after it fills

Not too long. I’ll actually rand it right now.

Are there still open spots for this?

If so, /in.

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I’m interested but it depends entirely on when the game would take place. I’ll keep an eye on the spots and if the game’s close to filled and I have time, I’ll hop in then.

If this doesn’t fill by 2020-11-23T02:15:00Z I may have to postpone this until Thursday.

So join, nerds


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I’m not postponing this quite yet. I have now created all the role PMs so when the game starts I’ll just distribute them.


No thanks boo

:sob: You make a pigeon cry

sad pigeon sad pigeon

Do you need a co-host to help or are you fine doing this alone?

saying this because I kinda feel like cohosting ayayayay

I mean, I’d rather have players. I don’t really need a co-host for a turbo 9er.

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aww man, only 3 so far?

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I know, it’s sad, especially since this is an epic setup.