2d3 Turbo - Signups [8/9]

69 moment


K, deleted it

im jokin

Restored it

yeah but i said that last bit in small text so the big text has prescidence


I think the joke is long dried out

Hey @Conduit @TheBlueElixir @GGhana If you all join, this can start.

Does @osieorb18 want to join?

Is pigeon pinglord
  • Yes, I accept pigeon as my certified pinglord
  • No, pigeon has never pinged anyone before

0 voters

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Also I said I canā€™t join rn

For Pingeon

Also if the game fills will you start it instantly orrrrr



Wait if it does fill when you gonna start the game?

Since you gotta deal with like 3+ timezones pepega

Nvm didnā€™t see this lol phone

Game postponed again, etc etc.

uhhh but what if not everyoneā€™s here when it fills? isnā€™t it better to just announce a time and let people fill based on availability at that exact time?


I agree with Wind.

Meanwhile Iā€™m awake so I think I can do it today, unless youā€™re posting it very late again.