2d3 Turbo - Signups [8/9]


Great. You gave them the idea.


Is the game once again set at 2 AM?

Would you like to backup?

But that’s over double the time of ToL! I’ll make it 5 though, but I don’t have unlimited time in my life :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, you’re probably right. But again, I’d like this turbo to be fast though, so I’ll make nights 4 minutes (longest game can go on if there’s a successful factional kill/cuddle every day/night is going to be 31 minutes)

That doesn’t sound like a problem to me. I think they can send whatever they want so long as it isn’t spam (so no bible), but I’d be fine with both all night actions and a readslist being in the logs. I’ll just WotM out anything that doesn’t belong in the logs.

If it’s 7 pm for me, then yes, unfortunately that’s 2 am for you :frowning:

I wish there was a time that works for Australia + US + Europe, but I don’t think that works.

Mafia won the last 2d3 game.

Pretty much only on a weekend you’d be able to coordinate that. As I recall there’s maybe 1-2 h of overlap when everyone’s awake.

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Time right now for:
Me, Windward, and Leafia: 10am (Wednesday)
Silviu: 5pm (Wednesday)
Magnus: 2am (Thursday)



Turbos on MU are 18 min days 6 min nights, that seems like the sweet spot for most people, we’ll see how this goes though


So today at 7. That works even better for me than tomorrow at 7.

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won’t be able to play this i dont think, watching tournament rn :frowning:

Availability Pingus (Please respond)


Failure to respond will result in a Discord DM. Failure to respond to the Discord DM will lead to being kicked from the game.

I have time in 1.5 hours from now

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Game has been postponed by 1 hour, it seems.

I’ll play it by ear until then.

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