54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I am.

calling someone gay is homophobic
calling someone gar imples they are a weeb, therefore it is not

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@luxy I need you to avail this theory

cute as hell*

Worth noting gay = liking men
gar = liking fictional badass men
It is flawless.

can you prove me you are not a fictional badass man

uh you have never touched me and your interactions with how I look like are through 2d digital images like any fictional badass man

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so the answer is no

you cant prove I am not a fictional badass man

I can prove you are not badass
you are CUTE, boy

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cant prove im not a fictional cute boi

I look almost exactly like my avatar


i look like this guy I found a photo of
but without the cool hat I wish I had one

Steal his


now go to the church then to the most prized magic academy in the world then refuse to all means of violence

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I am a hard working man I must buy one to live happy


noo he mine

His hat

merc give me a hat

you steal hat I steal reaper (already hatless)