54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Oh no!


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I like romance, but my taste is slow, burning one, see. I like it to build up slowly from being strangers to acquaintances, from friends to partners, and seal everything with one, sweet romantic gesture.


A: Hi stranger you look cute
B: Omg you too
Happy couple for the rest of the roleplay

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I used to do the happy couple for the rest of the roleplay thing at every. single. game. It came to a point where I challenged myself on it, such as how quick I could date with a complete stranger (fun fact, my record was something from 30 minutes to 2 hours in-game).

it was the following scene: The magical school :tm: was welcoming the newcomers in the sports field, where everyone was and a speech by the director was being delivered.
My character started to chitchat with the girl nearby him and together they stealthly got out of the school to go to the nearby pet shop, because my character wanted to buy pet fishes.
In the way she revealed her big bg trauma, my character reconforted on it and they got back in the school, the speech still ongoing. They went to check their bedrooms. In my chara’s bedroom, she proposed her for them to start dating.

Then I noticed how shallow it fucking was and how it was always the same thing, and started going on a no-romance frenesi until I have found that I, actually, liked slowburning as well.


as entertaining as the cliche perfect romance is, i personally like more realistic romances are or just a good friendship bc i feel like it can be equally, if not more entertaining and wholesome

everyone has their flaws and romance is rarely perfect, and sometimes it just means accepting the imperfections in a relationship

Perfect romance seems boring.

wait people find that shit entertaining it wasn’t even the first time

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depends, some are more entertaining than others and it’s mostly just dumb humor

it’s not necessarily the romance that’s entertaining tho, it could be other stuff as a result of it but yeah, it can be pretty blurring

btw the dumb humor im talking about is mostly just some webtoons i read in my spare time

I personally adore perfect romance as long as the execution is decent.

Slow, steady build up before a perfect ending is :blue_heart:

I like tragic endings but ok

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tragic endings are interesting and while i do like them, they can really downgrade a story if not played well imo

well, that’s probs just me cuz most webtoons are made and drawn by one person and they usually are good at story or art but not both which kinda sucks

y tho

I love a good happy ending

yeah, but webtoons rarely has that :^)

i like anything that’s interesting enough to hold my attention and isn’t too cringey

i especially love mysteries (murder mysteries are one of my fav genres) and unique endings probs bc I’ve seen a ton of the classic/cliche stuff


example of dumb humor i find entertaining


what do you need? sure

You’re too late, Priestess.

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