54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I solve this by having a few individually strong village power roles, while every other town is fairly weak or vanilla.
If they out, then scum have a lot of options to deal with them.

This discourages claiming since it literally just helps scum find the power town

People don’t like this here.

And I’m kind of toning villa power down across the board here and making the stronger actions limited usage.

I think I might only have like 2 of these, I might rework them then

I think rn I have a lot, but a good variety of them, and most are going to be limited by uses or the way the check works

I’ll agree on the slank vig front though
I generally would just add poisoners and other roles that have more ambigious connotations to make them less self resolving since wolf slank vig is literally anti-scum

also, just my opinion:
odd investigatives are the best kind of investigatives

The point of slank vigs is to solve the slot of low-posting players. Poisoners can also do this to high-posting wolves so they end up becoming a regular vig.

I think if people start doing it, then they’ll appreciate the design
People already do that with stuff like Prince

i.e. along the lines of “you will be told the last character on each line on the target’s rolecard”
this stuff in closed setup is real neat when done right

dont see how that will ever be useful but, kinda sounds fun

We had already done that here

If the poisoner is hero-shotting then they are not playing the role correctly

Prince is different because other people are still PR

that kinda stuff tho. investigatives that give information that isnt directly useful, but that can still be applied

I’m basically planning on limited alignment checks with no framing/tailoring, tbh. Like, odd/even night cops or alignment oracles at most. Or ones with even more limiting conditions.

It’s not a false dichtonomy since it works out effectively the same.

This should make cops less effective but at the same time without abusing tailors/frames.

I forgot to mention how introducing lower powered roles and using MODIFIERS can improve role balance
That shit’s good

Modifiers are the best for balance. As long as you add a conditional in a PR to prevent them from being spammed without drawbacks then it helps balance them out.

But if I’m going to be honest, most setups don’t want cops
Cops are the most swingy investigatives by far

It isn’t because you are talking about leaving people without abilities or giving 1 person more abilities