54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

remember to add king crimson

I’m talking strictly for mashes in terms of adding VTs. Mashes that I’ve found particularly fun have events and items. Think something like Eevee’s FE Heroes game.

There’s a lot of things you can pull for smaller setups, such as special mechanics or shorter phases, to keep the game interesting on some level

Pfft of course hes added, its a 29 person setup. I have almost all of part 5s important cast

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Any game that can have a JK probably should have a JK

whats a JK?

Roleblocks, but also protects a target

hmmmm I’ll try and find a character that fits that. I have like two in mind that prob could do that

Oh god
You’re doing top down design

Dat’s title should be DatAss.


I have two questions

  • Why
  • Why
  • IDK
  • Im Scared

Most mashes don’t have that here
Still won’t solve problem leaving people powerless

Conclusion:make everyone so powerful that prince is like a VT

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I personally hate claimvigs. As we tried to introduce a claimvig into FoL, people didn’t care and massclaimed regardless. It’s not stopping people from claiming.
And that’s completely natural, since “not claiming” is punishable gamethrowing in ToL.

I’m not sure I understand

Didnt inq get added or am i mistaken?

My claimvig still allows you to claim half the role once the main claimvig is dead, tbh. Lategame is basically just choose which of your actions is of utmost importance to claim otherwise the wolves will just dunk on you at night.

I love claiming, myself.

Hot take
Semi-open rolemadness is objectively the equivalent of a d20 in terms of balance

Sometimes it’s 1 and everything goes horribly wrong for town
Sometimes it’s 20 and scum literally cannot win

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I don’t remember us doing that