54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Go to sleep my dude
Shut of the phone/computer and yeet it out of the nearest window


ugh fine

Does anyone want to play Have a Heart? It’s an Undertale fan game.


Ping me if you want to play and downloaded the game.

Either of you two interested?


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Yea that happened as inquisitor was mechanically confirmed to not be rolled once my play happened d2

I disagree completely

BOY do I have a set up for you GUYS
My site always plays over 20 player role madnesses.
I don’t think we’ve ever had a claimvig or slank vig.
Maybe once or twice.
We usually use the roles from the MU role site, sometimes we throw in a couple custom ones.
It’s all about giving the scumroles ways to counteract town power.
Like, let’s say you have a cop. An infinite shot cop would be pretty trippy but
If you make it two-or-three-shot and add in an invest immune mafia, then it’s suddenly not as bad.
Doctor? Give scum a strongman kill.
Almost all the roles we put in have limited shots.
I can link you guys to a couple of the setups we’ve done in the past.

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@Kirefitten bestow upon me your criticism I’m curious now

i think the combination of those is kinda like what i suggested

I can’t play it now, ping Director.

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can you link that please, I’d love to learn something.

These two links I’m pretty sure are what you are talking about

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That’s Bloodmoon Conclave

I love claimvigs tbh. I’m tired of ToL’s claimfest.

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Let’s change it to claim converter or claim modkiller


I have noticed my meta and it is really easy to avoid


Not commenting further or I would get too political here.