54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

oh, did u take both? which would u say is better?

It depends on what sort of things you’re good at; notably, reading speed is substantially more important for the ACT. If it weren’t literally October of your senior year I’d tell you to take both and see which you did better on, but it’s kind of late for that.

In recent years they’ve become more similar anyways, from what I’ve heard a few years ago it would’ve mattered more.

also neither is better because neither is actually measuring anything of value

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we don’t have a SAT (if I got it right) but each uni has a different longass two-step test
and there is an awesome one of those different longass two-step tests that works for all public unis in the country
I should be studying for this one too lmao

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physics is fun but only when I understand it
when I don’t it is just boring

lol true

Holy hell, not this word again.
I see this word only as an insult “you had no plan while you played”, but they had plans!
Can you explain what the word means to you.

y’all, chill

Acting with knowledge of how their play impacts the game
In rolemadness, I mean it teaching bad habits like unnecessary claiming and playing too hard into the mechanical side of the game


I’m online again!

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I think people devalue here mechanical type solving unnecessary here

Ignoring mechanics is bad either, tho. There has to be a good balance between them. Especially in fol, which is more mechanic based then usual fms

Depending on the setup, I’d actually agree
If I got what you meant

Of course
Leaning into them too hard is a newb trap tho, which is why I wouldn’t send new players into a mechanic heavy rolemadness unless they were already very well acquainted with it

At least on this site, I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head of people relying insufficiently strongly on mechanics, and I’m sure we can all think of examples of people relying too strongly on them (LotR FM comes to mind). That’s not to say that it’s not possible, but as advice for the median player goes, ‘rely less on mechanics’ isn’t terrible advice.

Wich are the parts of people relying on mechanics were in LoTR

‘Marshal has to be town, he gave FK an extra vote’

also ‘Vulgard is definitely town, he was greenchecked,’ though that one is more understandable.

That’s not relying on mechanics too much

That’s 2 reads compared to reading solving wich were applied to all people

Plus those tells work on procentage since usually double voters are town

This is probably just me being dumb but I’m confused about what this sentence is saying, could you rephrase it?

How is this not solving based on mechanics

Mechanical solving was used only on few people

Yes it is mechanical and it usually works same with common reads they don’t always work

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