54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My point isn’t that mechanical solving is always bad, it’s not, my point is that the average player on these forums would be better served by on average relying on it less (this includes myself, to be clear :upside_down_face:)


Reeee then teach us how to read.

I mean it’s rarely used and there is no reason to not rely on it

He’s not saying to not use them, it’s just people get so tangled up with them that they forget that reads are actually a thing too

That’s not true that’s like saying we should less rely on reads because some people scumread outed IC in non bastard games

Both is important imo, good reads, good night actions, and both should be harmonic with each other in your play.

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Humans learn best from observing others

Sorry, I’m not a human :frowning:

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Got me there


I am only addressing negative attitude to that kind of solving

I like to approach mechanics in social deduction games more on how they are used, rather than the mechanic being infallible. So if a doublevote giver exists, I’d want to probe on why they decided to use it at that moment. Is it limited use? Do I trust the restrictions they say the ability has are true? If something in the story doesn’t add up, could their ulterior motive still come from a town perspective? If it’s not limited use, pester them everyday to out their actions and also force them to completely reveal their history and motivations surrounding their previous actions. Coming up with a whole history of actions is a lot tougher on scum, because they’d have to reread the thread states multiple times to actually understand if it’d make sense, so usually it’s just not done correctly.

Saying that doublevotes are more likely to be on town is honestly dumb to me, because the time they are not… they are a freaking doublevoter that bring LYLO closer by 1 day. They deserve the scrutiny. Innocent child would also be a redundant role if abilities ever were alignment indicative.

You can apply this to reads too since they can be wrong and therefore can’t be trusted

If there is a pattern of putting double voters as town then it does give claimed towncred

In closed setups this doesn’t make much sense, yeah. In open setups mechanics can be used way better.

That’s not the point I made there. Doublevoters are a very strong scum PR and they need to be evaluated more, because of it.

And I didn’t mean that you shouldn’t apply other reads to them it doesn’t matter wich role it is rather if it’s used more often as certain aligment or not

Maybe you shouldn’t have relied on that too much when you already have a flipped town double voter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not always you can still see pattern of certain roles in closed setups too

Thats metagaming, based on your knowledge of the Host.

You can use other setups as foundation