54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The “mechanical solving” that is mentioned here is just figuring out what the host would or wouldn’t design. It doesn’t apply to open setups.

No it also includes green checks and things like that

Yes it is an argument.

Hosts do that here, as I’ve outlined and for good reason, as those roles typically aren’t designed with being an IC in mind.

You have a lot of mechanical solving in open setups tho :eyes:

That is figuring out if godfathers/tailors exist. You know that in open setups. It doesn’t apply.

It’s not saying that you can only be good host if you disencourage mechanical solving and then bringing few examples of host doing that isn’t argument for what you said

That’s why I’m putting mechanical solving in quotation marks, because that’s not what is being referred to here.

Also Mountainous is also an open setup, doesn’t have to be true.

It’s still part if you trust that check /kinda counts as mechanical solving even if frame/tailor exist

If you want to make your doublevoters always town, then make them IC town doublevoters.

I never said I want to make double voters only town

I don’t think we’re going anywhere with this honestly and it’s getting into our trademark no u debate.

I think gaming the host design isn’t really a fun approach towards solving the game and very prone to errors. You clearly disagree. Agree to disagree.

That’s just using reads then and not “mechanically solving” and seems unrelated towards this then.

It’s mechanical solving that’s what people call it

It comes because check is mechanical

dude a closed setup rolemadness with wonky mechanics is the best tho! for me at least
its the kind of space that gives my kind of play an advantage: when nobody knows the rules, those who can figure them out the fastest are at an advantage


bullshit, explain it to me

thats kinda it yeah. although i prefer to go for how they interpret actions, and what sorts of things they allow; what “style” they’re going for.

How do you think toddlers learn to speak??

Watch what other people do, thats how I learnt

Watch how other people do and do opposite

That’s why you should always gladiate IC d1