54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But if I tell ya then I cant catch ya :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m the easiest to read in the world, but I’m not going to share my extremely obvious tell, aside from what people mention occasionally.

But don’t you want me to improve?

We’ll never get better if we keep that attitude. :upside_down_face:

I frequently go back to my town games in my scum games to emulate tone/phrasing, so it’d surprise me if something in particular would stick out.

I guess… cause that’s the nice thing. Honestly it’s really dumb but you honestly use the :eyes: a lot less as scum, and the more important one is thread presence and tunneling. As scum you always seem very distant from thread and pop in a lot. This could just be to irl shit but like games I remember you doing this a lot was VCFM and the recent one where yall won at 4am and town just didnt vote except me. Also u seem to TUNNEL heavily. The HTM tunnel in the same game even if it was distancing felt really off imo. And u were next on the chopping block if town actually voted if I had anything to say

Idk maybe it’s not the best meta but those are the things I watch for with you

Now if I could actually make my own scum meta where I’m not scared to death just to enter thread that be great, but that’s something I need to work on,

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Nah that’s not true. I’ve just been overall using it less, because it gained popularity and I like to be a special snowflake.


:man_shrugging: ur iconic for it dont worry

This was random rolemadness yes?

I think so, let me go check real quick


It was setting up associations in case either of us would have flipped. Many of the reasons I scumread him for were genuine honestly. Might be my TMI showing, but I didn’t understand why he was townread other than “he posts a lot”.

I miss the lion @Htm at least show up and say hi every once in a while we miss ya

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I’m a terrible teacher

I watched a YouTuber finish Undertale Genocide without interacting with Save Points.