54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait shoot I meant firekitten I forgot my name is that here lmao

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I thought it was Glass

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First 3 letters are correct.


no his name on Hypixel is Glasskitten that’s why we call him that


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Wait you were joking I’m

Yep, indeed. Very priestess-like, as I said.


Just started the mafia with newbs and they are excellent shitposters should I say
pushing themselves at the first 5 minutes of D1 so they good


why are we talking about names

We have a sub bus driver, I should probably pay attention to make sure he actually know what he’s doing because most subs for busses don’t

but eh


one time we had a sub and we were like a half hour late to school

Idk just did

Yeah they need to hire better subs

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I mean

I don’t blame them

Imagine having to drive a different route each time you sub into a bus

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But I blame them at the same time

I keep being surprised by people being younger than me

I basically assume everyone is 22ish or similarly slightly older than me and then they start talking about being in high school and it’s disconcerting :eyes:

I’m literally 15

You mean sub on YouTube



Wow birthdays go fast