54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i have a SFol Idea based off of the “reads > mechanics” idea.

Where anyone can be converted, and scum have a factional unassigned action that does 1 action that most cultseen couldnt do every cycle(like a list of things they can choose from every cycle, lke an occ, redirect, etc.) And prince can be converted, so no-one is ever confirmed BD.

probably with a few extra BD slots to balance out this power

And also people can be unconverted into a 3rd party who want to see the cult and BD die.

and those can be converted into another faction wich wants them cult and BD die

And it’s just a chain of that

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as a mostly mechanics player, depending on the intricacies, i might actually really enjoy that.

If i do host it or something, i would try to keep it as closed as possible(so that no-one knows what scum can and can’t do, forcing them to read the game)

But basically, classic FOL with a few extraBD slots, a scum factional ability, some form of buffed NK, a convertable prince(princes are just an innocent child with extra steps) maybe also something with neuts.

btw can someone give me the link to the fol discord? I cant find it anymore


jake sure cant lmao

That’s got a lot of moving parts

My take: Town does need a certain number of mechanical clears in a game with conversion to get through PoE fast

I’d be interested to see where you take it

that’s why my list was gonna be a list of 1-shot things(like locations in LOTRFM)

Can help with fakeclaims(and power)

I was tempted to say it couldn’t work, but FoL works somehow…so idk

I’d scale the rest of what scum can do in response
Considering you are giving them a lot of versatility

probably change bleeds from the assa /cl with a 1-shot bleed from the ability list, as a start.

and extra BD slots, because why not

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Either hilarious or agonizing
Depends on who joins

For added bullcrap, add a BD psychotrooper that is not allowed to soft or claim
Give people reason to want to play aggressively

A setup where everyone is a lost wolf, and the real way to win is to be in the last 3 alive.

Make roles with more power than LoTRFM

Also give me ideas for a setup

Easily Auction Mafia 2
That setup was by far the most fun to watch

I have a catalogue of unused stuff
What do you need?