54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Cannoneer effects on other roles is interesting design space imo

Doctor saves up saves until late in order to ensure the save

Cannoneer Gladiator 4head


I’ve been working on an Undertale setup, actually.

would you consider it balanced

would you consider it doing the game justice

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because I can’t seem to figure out how to do it justice

I tried to think about it multiple ways on how one would go designing it, and none of them appeal to me


Justice is simply doing the Right Thing. Not the law, exactly. A vigilante follows Justice, for example.


That’s not what I was referring to when I said doing the series justice

9 v 3

Town has 1 desperado

Everyone else is vanilla

Do you mean the yellow soul?

what the fuck are you on

9 v 3?


7 v 2 is mountainous

Given a desperado confirming a town or killing a scum 9 v 3 is fair

10 v 3 maybe

7 v 2 is very scum sided mountainous

7 v 2 is literally Slightly town sided cop 13

Then I don’t know what you mean.

You are wrong

Its 7 v 2
10 v 3
12 v 4

You mean a show?

I’m not wrong

We went over this multiple times

7 v 2 is scum sided mountainous