54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

uhhh Scratch

which one seems the coolest to you?


It’s apparently not Scratch, but Scrat.

Only found that out because I want to make an Ice Age FM btw.

The guy in pink.

thats main character and he has a dream

Oh lol.

And now nobody dares to post.

@discobot fortune

Let’s see if I get the snipe off this time

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:crystal_ball: Yes

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You did it! I think…

rip me

I didn’t see you summon Disco and now I feel bad for stealing her cookie

SO CLOSE again

I had one goal and u took it, i didnt need the cookie, thats easy to steal. But getting a bot who has a delay, that requires skill



wait no 25252

I didn’t even read your post, I just saw that we’d hit 22221 and hit Reply